Wednesday, March 31, 2004
11:46 AM -
"MILK" is one of the magazines that I like in HK. Comparing to other youth/fashion/trend magazine like EAST TOUCH, EasyFinder, One Media, its attitude is more positive and upbeat, more focusing on trendy (Japanese) culture, and less local entertainment gossip, or adolesent sex fantasy.
The sport section also covers football in a very professional manner. It has its unique comment on how AC Milan grows this year, why there is down fall of INTER, but of course, the UK Premier soccer league.
When I turn to the sport pages today, I anticipate it's comment on the Arsenal vs. ManU game last week.
While, I was looking forward to its insight ...
Suprisingly, it talks about the HK football gambling strategy ... oh my gosh. If I want football gambling tips, I can easily get it from APPLE DAILY ... I hope this change is only temporary.
What a disappointment!!
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
8:20 PM -
Holding on to a secret (1)
If you know a secret and related to others future, what will you feel?
You watch him still lives happily, walking full of confident, smiling towards you, because he still doesn't know.
Feeling sad?
You watch him still acts stupid, talks loud, walking right into the abyss.
Feel revenge?
Watch all these people doing they do everyday, as if nothing is gonna change
Feel stupid?
1:52 PM -
Schwinn Cycling
I heard about the cycling class at
California Fitness is getting very popular. I have seen people sweating in the bicycle room many times already. So, I think I was going to try it one of these day. And, boy what an experience. A crowdy room full of people. Up and down. Riding and riding away. Screaming and yelling (by the instructor). Loud music. After 45 min, was I exhaused!! Overall, a very good workout experience. I am refreshed after the long bike cycle.
California labeled their workout class as "Schwinn cycling". Looking up the web, Schwinn is actually a 100 year old bicycle company. And, the stationary bicycle for workout is very durable and stylist.
Schwinn Bicycle web site.
Monday, March 29, 2004
10:23 AM -
Watch the DVD over the weekend. Not exactly a very good movie. But, 90 minutes past quick. Remind me a lot of things around me while growing up. 最好玩仍然係Sam Hui半RAP的作詞.
鬼馬狂想曲 DVD
有精仔 有懵仔 有叻仔
散仔 賭仔 重有戇居仔
有衰仔 有好仔 反骨仔
癲仔 蠢仔 重弊過敗家仔
細蚊仔 臭飛仔 招積仔
靚仔 打仔 亂咁出刀仔
邊個係天才(天才) 邊個係白痴(白痴)
扮懵定蠢才 冇咁易會知(阿茂至知)
天才與白痴 你黐定我黐
天才與白痴 冇咁易會知
有冤鬼 有嘩鬼 有奸鬼
賭鬼 盞鬼 重有咸濕鬼
有衰鬼 有煙鬼 攝青鬼
生鬼 撞鬼 撞著個冒失鬼
醉酒鬼 吊靴鬼 醜死鬼
假鬼 真鬼 亂咁鬼打鬼
乜鬼係天才 乜鬼係白痴
扮懵定蠢才 冇咁易會知
天才與白痴 你黐定我黐
天才與白痴 冇咁易會知
有堅野 有流野 有精野
喎野 喳野 重有大鑊野
有衰野 有好野 有筍野
貴野 賤野 最掉忌就賴野
醒胃野 林嬸野 正斗野
靚野 杰野 最爽就撈粗野
乜野係天才 乜野係白痴
扮懵定蠢才 冇咁易會知
天才與白痴 你黐定我黐
天才與白痴 冇咁易會知
天才與白痴 天才與白痴
Friday, March 26, 2004
12:00 PM -
Lady Yuna
Kept playing FFX-2 for months. Last night I checked, it was over 30 hours already.
I think I'm still 1/3 into the story.
練功是最大的時間投資 ... Keep upgrading Yuna's fighting skill.
And all these different uniform ... Its just amazing ...
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
11:23 AM -
Adding a guest book on the sidebar.
Found a free guestbook hosting site here:
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
4:35 PM -
Soprano 2nd Season
I like the 1st season very much ... the 2nd season is still good.
Anthony Soprano
Tony is still the most powerful character in the show.
The profile of a mobster.
He is still human after all.
Mob have family.
It is another way to make a living.
No different than running any business.
At the end of the day ...
You still need to go home.
You still have a family to take care.
You still have your problem as a father.
You still have a bad relationship with you mom.
You need to interact with you neighbour.
You have your emotional problems to deal with.
You need to see doctor.
In Tony's case, the doctor is a Shrink.
Story is good.
Mob screw others to make a living.
If you take the stand of a victim, you feel pretty bad.
If you indulge yourself into Tony's role, you feel pretty good being bad guy.
Cheer for the bad guys.
Screw the "good" guys.
Yeah !!! Why not ???
Well, you are a bad guy.
You just do what you are supposed to do.
Your are still who you are.
You are trying to keep your sane.
Killing is part of your job.
No enjoyment or excitment from the job.
If you do, you are SICK.
Just have to do it.
You check your moral at the door.
This is very straight forward.
I like this show :0
Monday, March 22, 2004
7:20 PM -
調情 ... 鄭秀文
爐灶透光 熬成熱湯
投下過 太多血汗 太多渴望
抑鬱滿腔 何來藥方
平伏我 那些歲月 那些寄望
Once upon a time
when you were still mine
仍然像魔法 沒有法子可以解
煉製愛的秘方 最尾卻統統泡湯
就怪那天到訪 吃過你一顆軟糖
盛放 被愛剎那芬芳
Once upon a time
when you were still mine
如甜蜜的債 沒有法子可以解
煉製愛的秘方 最尾卻統統泡湯
就怪那天到訪 吃過你一顆軟糖
味覺記憶裡 盛放
盛放 被愛剎那芬芳
嚐過禁果 還求甚麼
來日我 也許跌墮 也許慶賀
Sammi Cheng's latest Album ... I like the song, but I *hate* the cover :-(
6:45 PM -
March 22, 2004
One thing about Japanese drama is that their production is *SERIOUS*. I finished all the 3 seasons of TRICKS VCD and MOVIE version couple months ago. What can I say? I love a good mystery! Although its has its stupid moment, as a comedy/mystery gene goes, it also has its brillance.
Season II is now running on cabletv on Sundays, 2 episodes per week. I always thing that a good show, or a good MYSTERY show is important to attend to details. And, Japanese is good at details. So, there is no wonder why Japanese can produce a number of good suspense novels and mystery stories.
Another example of the attention to details can be found from their web site. I do not know Japanese, but I still find the greatest interest to browse through this site. :-) Good job.
TRICK's web site
Sunday, March 21, 2004
1:05 PM - HBO: Sopranos
March 21, 2004
Such an interesting show ... I can't stop watching the DVD until I finished the 1st Season.
Here is another side of Mafia that nobody knows ... behind all these tough images, there are family issues, problems with the Mother, child care, raising a family, kids, and other social relationship to handle. But of course, murder your enemy, making money to support the clan, sabotage others' business, thats mobster's fact of life.
I think a good show need to have a good supporting class of actors and actresses. Sopranos has a bunch of good actors.
The storyline is good. All the characters are unique in a way that they have to deal with their own devil. There is a job you need to do .. plus there is a life you need to live.
Sopranos is also about problem management. (Coincidently, Tony Soprano's job is waste management) You manage your work, your family, your friend's trouble, and still have to rise above all these ... not a simple task. Most important of all, keeping yourself sane is another challenge.
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
11:49 AM -
Angelina's new movie ... Taking lives is coming out this weekend. Although the review is just so-so, she still looks good in the movie. This is the one I plan to see :-)
11:46 AM -
Angelina Jolie
She has a new movie, "taking lives", coming out that I plan to watch.
Although the review is just soso, her look is still charming ...
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
5:00 PM -
This is my first post ... yippy ... :-)
MARCH 16, 2004
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