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Another day has gone by (Archived articles)

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Sunday, May 30, 2004

7:33 PM -




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9:18 AM -

Rise of Nations :Thrones & Patriots

I am a strategy game fan since CIVILIZATION days. Then, there is the Command & Conquer series. MicroSoft's Age of Empires I & II, both are also very good.

Nowadays, I don't have a lot time to sit in front of the computers for hours to play game, although the addictive feeling is *really* Great. It puts me in a world of strategy, raising army, building, education of people, not to mention all kinds of war machines.

My solution is to play the game in the *EASIEST* mode :)

In this case, I can get all the favorite of the game without spending hours and hours to fight the computer AI. To really master the game, doing all kinds of hot-key setting and keyboard shortcut is necessary. To me, I want to win without too much effort ...

Thrones & Patriots is sequel of Rise of Nations from last year, which received most of the PC strategy game award. I haven't played RON since early this year, but what a game it is! The interesting thing about RON is that you can play as different nation. Through the years of civilization, each nation obtain the unique strenght to build up their own special power. The ulimate goal, of course, is to conquer the world.

New tribe Persian has elephant attack units ... cool!

Graphics is very nice

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Saturday, May 29, 2004

4:38 PM -

世上只有 容祖兒

望著你講 也許更易 濃於水的三個字
從我降世 一開始 到永遠 不休止
你亦是我支柱 動力和意義

*You make me cry, make me smile,
 Make me feel the love is true
 謝謝你的關顧 與及無償的愛護
 年月漫漫 多艱苦
 Oh I love you*

但是我知 你都有夢 仍將一生給我用
全個世界 幾多種 愛與愛 在互動
也未及這種愛 能完全獻奉


Yes I do, I always do

Make me cry, make me smile,
Make me feel the love is true
謝謝你的看顧 與歷年來的愛護
年月漫漫 多艱苦
從不會立下私心 怕會給辜負
Oh I love you!
Yes I love you, I always do

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Thursday, May 27, 2004

2:06 PM -

21 Grams

個人並不特別喜歡Sean Penn,雖然他剛榮獲影帝,但我對他的演技也不覺欣賞,只對他的懵眼扁嘴苦瓜乾口面表情特別有印象。反而另一男主角,班納狄(Benicio),就是之前Traffic的南美演員,就覺得他混身是戲。加上女主角是Naomi Watt,未看便預感這電影比較注重演譯主角們的內心世界。

故事是苦苦苦、加上慘慘慘。全片灕漫著一片生命中不能承受的衰傷。一個等候心臟移植的病人,一個失去丈夫和女兒的母親,一個為罪孽懺悔的釋犯,因為一宗交通意外,把三名可憐人串起來。導演在片中探討生命的苦難問題。譬如班納狄是一個督信上帝改過自身的困犯,但一宗交通意外,另他成為殺人兇手。把他整個的生命觀倒轉了過,作為一個Born Again Christian,心底不禁疑問Why this is happening to me? 但在為一個人這一切突如其來的苦難,根本便是無跡可尋。主角們便要在這無常變幻當中,尋找各自的得救之道。


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Tuesday, May 25, 2004

7:41 PM -

花非花  白居易


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Monday, May 24, 2004

2:38 PM -


公司有大變動,人事變遷在所不免。其實過去數年,在不同的公司,大大少小小的變化,可以話一年一小次,兩年一大次。雖未能做到處之泰然,但也不至驚惶不安。早兩個月前已得悉部份同事會被開除o 面對他們,有點開不了口的感覺。…

我的幸運是因為還有選擇。人老了,更覺無奈。公司的成功或失敗,個人的努力似乎有很小的關係。其實每天可以混混下去,再拖多一年半載。在新舊交接其間,特別容易造就這種what I call "Faker" 的Position。You know the type that seems to be really busy all day. Actually, no real work is being done. Well, I could really take it easy.



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2:37 PM -


看漫晝的一撮人常被冠以心智不成熟來看待。陶傑就狠狠批評過, 中環白領不應手執一本公仔書。

對我來說,漫晝有兩個層面。生活枯燥乏味,its nice to have something to look forwards to once or couple times a week.就如一頓即食麵,雖然冇乜營養,但可填飽個肚。一本港產漫畫週刊,雖然只是一個二十分鐘的幻想空間,但總算聊勝于無。

質素方面,很多日本的漫晝其實都有不錯的故事。君不見多少電視劇集和電影均改編自漫畫書? 如金田一、愛情白皮書、殺手亞一等等,集推理、愛情、和暴力等不同原素,大家各取所需。


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Sunday, May 23, 2004

6:12 AM -

虞美人 蔣捷


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1:10 AM -




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Friday, May 21, 2004

2:42 PM -


沒錯Andy Lau 是一個很努力的演員 ...

可是努力並不代表好演技o 在"魔幻廚房"中的一埸戲正可說明o 話說Maggie Q,劉華,Sammy,黃敏德等等在飯後,一個個輪流在說笑話,談天說地一番之餘。一群人當中,看著劉先生吃力地在擠眉弄眼,行前走後,極力地營造出一個容洽的氣氛。

結果…是叫人看得難過…感覺是在聽一個唔好笑既笑話o 唉…

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12:07 AM -


漫畫版比電影來得暴力。一幅幅still image,比起電影一瞬即逝的血腥場面,有過之而無不及。不過亞一的暴力美學,真叫我受不了。它的暴力,實際上是TORTURE,嚴刑拷打之類,十分Degrading。

我想我只能接受百分之七十左右。其實電影版已tone down很多了。亞一是一個好repressed 的人,殺意其實由少年時代的記憶所tricker。甚有心理學的味道。由于心理的憶壓,童年陰影,變成殺手。這條橋其實並不新鮮,加上催眠(Mind control)和大量的暴力血腥,就襯托出一個名乎其實,有血有淚(亞一每次殺人時定會哭泣)的故事。

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Tuesday, May 18, 2004

12:16 PM -

New Link

Add Eason's Blog to sidebar.
Nice desing plus useful website enhancement info. Thanks!

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11:46 AM -

A few good movies

On the way back to Hong Kong. Force myself to watch couple movies that I won't really care if its showing in the theater. A few of those non-commercial movies, including:
- 21 Grams
- Station Agent
- Butterfly effect (its not really in the same category as the above 2)

Then, also got a few DVDs by the COEN brothers:
- The man who wasn't there
- O Brother, where art thou?

I mean COEN brothers made good movies. But, some of them I do find it quite boring ... "The man who wasn't there" is DULL, although I got a nice surprise seeing Scarlet Johnson play a small role.

It made me miss "Blood Simple" from their early work.

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11:43 AM -


Been reading some of 陶傑's articles and find them quite interesting. Checked out one of his book from library yest. Should be a good read.

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Sunday, May 09, 2004

2:09 PM -



"繼續"的Cast其實不強,但演員有經驗。人物造形特別;日本的堆理偵探劇,本來就有其獨有風格,加上提幸彥的編排,變得更為精彩。故事以智商180的女警為主角,推理能力優異,但日常生活卻是個傻瓜。又有為妹服仇的刑警。和一群騎口拿的搜查二課的搭檔。懸疑加上幽默正是提的強項。劇集以單元推理開始,最後溶入男主角服仇的主線。所謂"繼續"正是一些cold cases,即擱置一旁的舊案件。兇手的精密佈局,及破案的分析堆理都叫人看得拍案叫絶。


Another reference article

Special version ... one special episode after TV series

Movie version ... came after the TV series

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Wednesday, May 05, 2004

8:26 PM -


Nice convention center. Nice view at Darling Harbour.
Turn out quite a number of people showed up.
Australian girls are tall and friendly.

Enjoy my time here ... see you next year Australia.

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Monday, May 03, 2004

8:21 PM -


泰倫天奴的強項、就是說故事的本領高強、把一個本來簡單的故事,變得有趣。一套港產電影壹個鐘頭三十分鐘的故事,一拍便成四個鐘。更分成上下兩集。本來我對下集是抱著不太大的期望入場,看畢後有意外的滿足。上集的疑團,總算解釋得清清楚楚。劉家煇的白眉,更是一絕。廣東話的演釋,叫人看得親切。打鬥來說,這集更為乾淨利落。雖短小精桿,卻善用突如期來的暴力來制造高潮。 對于Detail的Attention亳不含糊。加上不同的菲菻運用出色:粗微粒,黑白,偏藍色更把電影襯托得有趣。 總括來說Kill Bill十分有娛樂性。

比較起來Compare PULP FICTION 導演手法漸趨成熟。不過Pulp Fiction故事卻更為天馬行空,借食神一句:”真係估佢晤到!”。 但數年後再見Uma Thurman,已沒當年之索… 令人唏噓。

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