Wednesday, April 28, 2004
2:02 PM -
This is yet another TV drama directed by 堤幸彦 few years ago. Same guy directed TV DRAMA like "TRICKS", "Continue" ... Watched a few episodes last night ... really alot of was-then-not-so-popular actors/actress in the series. 長瀨智也, 加藤愛, 酒井若菜 (1 episode) 窪塚洋介, 妻夫木聰 and ... 渡邊謙 !!
Of course what attracted me is 堤幸彦's interesting film-like feature/style and all the MYSTERY !!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
12:15 AM -
Lakers 3: Houston 1
Man ... overtime lost. So close and it hurts ... Arrrr ....
Repeat after this: Playoff experience. Playoff experience. Playoff experience.
Karl Malone aged 40 ... shot 30 pts at game 4. Maybe there is hope after 40 afterall ...
Lake home court at game 5. Hard to see Houston bounce back.
Sunday, April 25, 2004
2:15 PM -
Liverpool 1: ManU 0
What a boring game. Liverpool won by a pentaly shot!!
There are quite a few good players at Liverpools team. I like Kewell, Owen, Gerald. They are top class players, but are not performing to their ability. Even Murphy, Smicer ... are good players, too. Maybe its time Houllier should leave the team to someone to coach. Its similar to Evan's few years back ... they've some good player but the coach can't take them to the next level.
Gary Neville did the unthinkable ... :-(
2:12 PM -
- Use a new template
- Add 埋
收買佬's link :-)
Saturday, April 24, 2004
7:08 PM -
Houston 1: Lakers 2
NBA Playoff. Finally Houston took off and won a game at home court.
Good job. I think Houston does stand a chance in the playoff.
Houston is a younger team. Experience wise, not as well as Laker players like Malone, Shak or Payton.
However, Lakers playerd were tired after a whole seaon, .... well ... except Kobe Bryan. He's got a very good competitive mindset.
If other Lakers cannot step up to help Kobe, (isn't that why Jackson went out and get Malone & Paython in the first place?),
I can see Houston taking game 4 & 6 ... it can easily go up to 7 games.
Go !! Yao Ming Go !!
Friday, April 23, 2004
7:45 PM -
How stuff work?
I don't think I have a strong curiosity to *try* to understand how things work.
For example, why did woman give birth to a child? I really did not ask this question even when I was young ...
I sort of understand babies will not just come out from a woman's armpit ...
I sort of understand man and woman got together and make babies ...
still no interest to find out the real reason.
Maybe its just I am afraid to ask question. I think if I want to ... I can just find out any answer by myself.
NO need to embarrass myself to ask a *easy* question.
Its just me. Afraid of being embarrass in the public. Hmmm ...
I come across the website
How Stuffs Work?while trying to research a technical subject. Love the pictures and the animation it has on its site.
Now, here is a place I can go to when I feel embarrass to ask.
Friday, April 16, 2004
5:24 PM -
Keep talking
The problem of doing presentation ... I'll get bored if I repeated the same presentation too many times.
So, each time, I've to find something new to read about, digest, and then pretend to be the expert.
But ... internet is great. You can find all sorts of details information.
Professional vs. Amature == How much you read and remember.
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
6:05 PM -
Really having nothing much to do over the holidays.
I've read some Jap comic books. Quite good. Story about a firefighter. The time to actually sit down and read a book is quite enjoyable experience for me.
I've checked out some programming tools. Quite happy. Its not job related but feel like learning something new. Also, help my friend to install a web cam at home. Takes a while to figure out the Linksys router.
Exercise quite a bit over the weekend also. Quite tired. Frankly, getting old now.
Heard about Kill Bill second installment is coming out in US next week. I like the first one alot, and hope to see a good seqel. Although Uma Thurman is no longer in her prime as in Plup Fiction, hmmm ... she's still a babe.
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
10:16 PM -
OK. 皇馬阿仙奴爆冷出局, 多小有點意外. 至小半夜起身看足球的衝動, 不是常常會有的.
阿仙奴上半場也萛還好看,下半場就令人失望 ...
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
2:44 PM -
I watched the 23rd Annual Hong Kong Film award on Sunday.
Running on Karma is good film, I think
PTU is the best film of the year in 2003.
Salute to Johnnie To for making such a masterpiece.
12:32 PM -
The Dead Zone
TV series based on Stephen King's Novel. Its really amazing how popular King's novel are in US over like almost 30 years. I saw Christopher Walken's movie about 10 years ago .. maybe longer than that ... and now a TV series comes out. Wow.
Another amazing choice is the lead actor, Anthony Michael Hall. Last time I saw him, he was making 16 candles, and was in Saturday night life ... what a come back man! Its like another 10 or 15 years missing in action.
Anyhow, the series is good. I saw it on DVD. It also have director/writer narrative track on each episode. Thats only common in FILM. So, I think the production is serious and down to details. Its a pitty that this series only airs on the USA cable network, but not the mainstream ABC, NBC, or CBS station. Otherwise, more people will fell in love with this show.
Friday, April 02, 2004
4:15 PM -
Mini iPod
Checking out the MP3 players. My old one is 128M and want to get 512M or Mini iPod. But, mini is not available until summer ... 512M mp3 is not a bad choice. radio, recording ... etc.
Decision. Decision.
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