Good bye ... Godfather. There is no doubt when people mentioned Godfather ... its Marlon Brando. His performance is just that good.
God father is one of my favorite movie. The plot. The actors. Even music scores and camera are one of the best all around. IMHO, the second one, and the third one aren't as good as the first one. The memorable Corleone family, Brando is the father Vito Corleone, and Al Pacino is Michael, the youngest son. I didn't really see any of Marlon Brando's previous movies. I remembered he has a cameo in Superman, and Apolocyse now, and later he made a movie with Johnny Depp and another with Matthew Borderick ... that's about it.
Haven't got to see "on the waterfront" the movie brought Brando's first Oscar. However, again and again, I heard this great line from this move:
Brando: "You don't understand.
I coulda had class.
I coulda been a contender.
I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum,
which is what I am, let's face it... "
Sure, you are one of the greatest contender Mr. Brando.

Xavier said...