My friend showed me his E398. I falled in love with its external speakers and MP3 player asap. Checked with Organe the next day and traded up my old phone. Got it.
Now, there is one draw back with E398.
Maybe nobody has ever mentioned.
E398 used a new kind of memory card: TransFlash or T-flash. The phone only came with 16M T-flash. There is only 2 places in HK you can buy 128M T-flash card:
1. PCCW (Only sell with phone together)
2. Motolora shop (out of stock)
Oh my gosh ... I got this nice MP3+speaker phone but can load about 3 songs :(
Impluse buying gave me the rush. Now ... there's also consequenses. >SIGN<
冬冬 said...
I've got my eyes set on the Nokia 6170 recently... just waiting for it to come out...! :P
gogoduck said...
Transflash card is not available in Mongkok Computer center, go and have a look :)
矮肥鈍 said...
沙維:點解唔等多陣呀! Nokia D新機都出啦!
又, 摩記D機壞機率好高,唔化算呀!
不過都好過買S/E 部S700i。呢款野價錢好快會lum。
Xavier said...
冬冬,manics ... 其實Nokia都唔錯,function is good, but I like the speaker phone features on Motorola. 都係一句impluse buying 啦.
GoGo, Thanks for the tip, let me take a look sin ... :)
eason said...
見到心頭好, 自然會impulse buying 啦... 就好似見到一個一見鍾情既人一樣..... 當然追到手, 相處落之後, 發覺有缺點, 有一點點遺憾, 想找補救...... 就好似發覺TFLASH card 既容量不夠.....
PK_ said...
sell bgfantasy......he's looking for a new mobile........heheheh