Cliff Hanger
Season I最後的兩集一口氣播出,正、邪兩派的衝突更見白熱化。正直的神父Justin,可能是敵基督的化身,開始步入魔道。戲班小子Ben,雖獲得神聖的力量,但亦要在正邪兩道間,掙扎求存。劇中其他角色亦紛紛要為自已、愛情、前途等作出抉擇。故事的層面,除了神魔之爭有大量的伏線之外,亦掀開人的內心,有各樣的矛盾和心魔糾纏,一念為善,一念為惡,更有各式各樣的情慾掙扎,好不精彩。不過我懷疑亞洲版被刪剪過,有些影像未能發揮得淋漓盡至,有點失望。
美國電視劇在季尾,最喜歡用cliff hanger來吊觀眾胃口。其中幾位主角更是生死未卜,who got to stay? And, who has to go? 看來要留待明年一月才知道。希望香港HBO到時會跟美國同步放映,以饗影迷。

L said...
i love carnivale! but the first season went in a snail pace ... but i have read some spoilers; knowing that my fav character wouldn't die is good enough for me to go on. Clancy Brown as Brother Justin is so good that it's almost disturbing to see ... and feel like everyone on the show has a REALLY complicated relationship ... confusing but real cool ...
Xavier said...
This is great. At least I know I am not the only one watching this show :)
Clancy is expectionally good in the drama. You are right the story is going in snail pace this season. The two main characters, Justin and Ben only met in the Dream! I think there would be more interaction between them next season.
Thank you!
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Well done!
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