Next Tuesday is the Amazing Race 6 finale. I recalled I just did a Race 5 analysis couple months ago. Boy, time flies when you're racing. This time, I can't really foresee a clear winner from the final four teams. All the remaining teams are couples. They are all young, engergetic and resourcesful. Even couple of teams argue and fight their way during the competition, they can still pull off a victory at the end. Wow, this is really amazing! 冬冬 did an exciting capture of the last show. Let me follow up with my prediction.

They were the first team to arrive from last show doesn't mean they can take the lead all the way. I actually like the guy Aaron because he kept his cool, but I hate Hayden because she really talks too much. However, they do stand a good chance to win (2nd pick)

Rebecca dominates the team and she is actually very effective. Meanwhile, Hellboy Adam is naive, to down right stupid. I don't think they look like champs.

I like this team alot because Kendra is pretty. However, she is also the weakest link. Therefore, they were overtaken by Hayden's team and end up arriving 2nd. I hope Freddy could carry this team through. However, from the preview they encountered some team problem next week.

冬冬's favorite. Really, Kris and Jon didn't catch my eye in the first few episode. However, they always come in the first batch of players. They're smart and they work well. Even with the taxi trouble this week, they still survive. Next week, they'll go back to race in the states. They should have no more taxi issues and can concentrate to win. I hope they could win big (1st pick).
冬冬 said...
yeah! :) Too bad we're not in NYC, otherwise we can go to TARCON together! hahaha (gosh I feel like such a geek)
Xavier said...
Yes, sounds like a big party going on ... :-)