朋友跟我說過逢超過5字,找工作必難。月薪五萬以上,或年紀已過五張,難上加難。李國章局長話已指示學校校長優先聘請超額教師,但比你做校長,請一個大學畢業生,月薪可能還不需一萬,而且只不過二十多出頭,可以隨時OT,好駛好用。另外一位人工可能是多出不只一倍,四張幾近5張野。怎樣去比較? 又怎樣叫他們不擔心?

PK_ said...
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PK_ said...
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PK_ said...
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PK_ said...
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PK_ said...
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矮肥鈍 said...
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矮肥鈍 said...
Cannot read the comments.
N.B. Sometimes I feel that the right of protest is overused and result in a lack of response from authority.