除了很久之前的John Grisham小說外,能令我捱更底夜,就係呢本Da Vinci code.由巴黎的羅浮宮命案,發展到天主教皇庭的大陰謀,加上神祕宗教組織,耶穌身世之謎,作者想像力天馬行空之餘,一切又合情合理,亦有歷史根據,一個又一個的謎語和答案,簡直令人難以把書本放下。
比小小spoiler大家,其中書內提及Da Vinci的名畫The last supper,座在耶鯀旁邊的並不是聖徒若翰(John)而係耶穌的"老婆"(that`s right!),Mary Madgelen,睇落又真係幾似女人... :)

冬冬 said...
wow...you made me really wanna read it now! :)
ziyi said...
8 millions of copies is in print now. you should read the angels and demons too :)
Xavier said...
Yes, I saw A&D has new paper size version coming out now. I think it'll be a good read, too.