I got my iPod mini last night, and have been playing it for awhile. The scary thing is that its software crash my windows XP couple of times. Then, I was told by the Microsoft online crash analysis program (wow, I don't know that) I have to update my windows to SP2 in order to solve it. I've been updated it once (SP2), but it really draged my computer network down to its knee. I can't go to a lot of the website, and the loading is S...L...O...W even though I turn off the FW feature. Anyhow, I just go to the APPLE web site to download the latest iTune (4.7) and problem is soft. No SP2 is needed.
First I thought the 4G is a lot of disk space, then after loading couple CD. Well, I found out that its may not be as much as I perceived. Well, it beats my 128M E398 phone. And, the sound quality is definitely good. Now, a 40G MP3 player is becoming more tempting.
PK_ said...
always download the latest version of itune!
unless u look for the chic in ipod mini, 40G (or even 60G in ipod photo) is perfect for ppl like u and me who love to carry part of their CD collections around and listen to any tune anytime anywhere.
i'm using the 4th generation 40G ipod. just great. sound is as good as ipod mini (3rd generation ipod is poor at sound quality!)
ipod photo (40G or 60G) is new to the family. no idea abt how good they r. the qtn is, do we need/want to carry gigs of photos around? just hope no sound quality is compromised.
冬冬 said...
The iPod mini is great for work out, especially cuz it comes with the arm band. I use it a lot when
running on the treadmill. However, when I go on trips, I take my 15GB iPod. :) Does your iPod shows Chinese song names correctly on the screen though? Sometimes mine is messed up and I don't know how to fix it. :(
Xavier said...
PK_兄>> I learned the lesson about downloading the latest iPod after a couple of WINDOWS XP CRASHED!! oh my gosh... I have another used of these extra harddisk that I can download my Mandarin training CD into the IPod :-)
冬冬>> About the Chinese fond display. I found out you can edit the iTune characters directly, but you have to very careful. Click the beginning of the character box, once and then again. It'll like an Excel spreadsheet and you can edit the content. However, this is a very delicate operation. I found out I have to be very patient in order to do the character edit.
So, after I finish the edit in iTune, and sync up with the iPod again. It should fix the funny character problem. 祝你好運 :)
PK_ said...
xavier, u raised a very good point indeed. ipod with its high capapcity is not confined to just abt music. it can be used for learning as well, like learning languages and listening to audio books. it can also be used as a powerful portable hard disk.
ArchBoss said...
iPod Photo may have other functions in the future, e.g. watching video ... only if Apple is minded to upgrade the firmware, just like iRiver has done with their H300 series.
Xavier said...
Well, its the next logical step :) There is still a creative edge leading by Apple's design.