Kingdom Hospital這齣美國的電視劇集來頭很大,搬出Steven King親自監製,本來都有d期望。但一個個星期接下來,越來越感到故事單薄,成班人在醫院中走來走去都唔知做乜,連預期的驚嚇場面也欠奉,實在令人失望。
我並非Stephen King的fans,但都看過他好幾本小說,每次在上機前,都會爭取時間在機場的bookstore蹓躂,希望揀本好的小說來消磨悠長的旅程。琳琅滿目的圖書小說中,King's的書總是一個很好的保証。其中King又常常用心理和環境營造出evil的外貌,而正義與邪惡的衝突也是他小說的永遠主題。當然由文字化為影像,又是另外一回事了。
電視劇actually based on 一個Denmark故事,不是Stephen King's 的小說。電視劇理應有更充裕的時間去develop它的characters,和劇情。似乎Kingdom是兩樣都做不到,而昨晚的大結局更予人落雨收柴的感覺,睇完之後只想到"回水"兩字。
相信there is no second coming of the Kingdom.
Xavier said...
I've read The Stand way way back. Actually, there is a TV moive about it. I remembered the plot is something like a deadly virus wiped out most of the people on the earth. And, the rest remains into good and bad guys. The good guy must made a stand against the evil empire.
Quite interesting read. Check out the TV movie, if you're able to find it.
The other one, eye of the dragon ... I didn't read it before. Let me check it out next time at the airport ... Thanks. :)
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