Tuesday, September 28, 2004
2:40 PM - 潛龍勿用
Sunday, September 26, 2004
1:19 PM - Taking Lifes
All the right elements but don't add up
Watching the movie trailer, I think wow there is another great movie. Sadly, they got me again! Its not bad, well any movie with the talented and gorgeous Angelina Jolie can't be bad, but its definitely not a great movie.
There were some good actors in the movies, Ethan Hawk, and Keith Southerland aren't bad either. There is the standard chase scene. The strange and dark side of the movie, showing corpse and distorted face, broken hand ... all the gore. The hot (hot!) sex scene featuring yes, lovely Angelina (although its not really necessary, but I don't think anyone minds ...) the suspense, and the surprise ending. Somehow, it has all the right element making but doesn't add up at the end.
The movie didn't really spend any effort to develop the characters, and its also hard to believe the leading characters would fall for each other so quick. I can't help to compare this with Seven (David Fincher), which has more symbolic meaning in his suspense while this one is totally flat. I guess its okay to watch if you have couple spare hours on your hand, or an Angelina fan ... like me.

Watching the movie trailer, I think wow there is another great movie. Sadly, they got me again! Its not bad, well any movie with the talented and gorgeous Angelina Jolie can't be bad, but its definitely not a great movie.
There were some good actors in the movies, Ethan Hawk, and Keith Southerland aren't bad either. There is the standard chase scene. The strange and dark side of the movie, showing corpse and distorted face, broken hand ... all the gore. The hot (hot!) sex scene featuring yes, lovely Angelina (although its not really necessary, but I don't think anyone minds ...) the suspense, and the surprise ending. Somehow, it has all the right element making but doesn't add up at the end.
The movie didn't really spend any effort to develop the characters, and its also hard to believe the leading characters would fall for each other so quick. I can't help to compare this with Seven (David Fincher), which has more symbolic meaning in his suspense while this one is totally flat. I guess its okay to watch if you have couple spare hours on your hand, or an Angelina fan ... like me.
1:27 AM - 另謀高就
這位同事是我去年底聘請回來,還有點小插曲。直至最後一round interview,有點猶疑,怕他不能勝任,在offer之前,突然後悔答應請他。但HR發生誤會,已把offer letter直接寄到他家中了,他也很醒目,立即簽了還fax返美國總公司。最後我們內部決定先看他的表現和工作能力,便答允讓他上班。結果大家都很滿意其表現,直到今天。有段時期我還是他的上司,觀其表現,做事很交帶亦很有責任感。今天離開,肯定是公司損失。
這位同事是我去年底聘請回來,還有點小插曲。直至最後一round interview,有點猶疑,怕他不能勝任,在offer之前,突然後悔答應請他。但HR發生誤會,已把offer letter直接寄到他家中了,他也很醒目,立即簽了還fax返美國總公司。最後我們內部決定先看他的表現和工作能力,便答允讓他上班。結果大家都很滿意其表現,直到今天。有段時期我還是他的上司,觀其表現,做事很交帶亦很有責任感。今天離開,肯定是公司損失。
Friday, September 24, 2004
11:43 AM - Blackberry 7230
Think about it. Now I am owning all these gadgets:
-Erisson T610 Mobile Phone (Use it daily, plan to upgrade)
-WeWa MP3 player (gave it to my girlfriend)
-Panasonic MD player (Yes, still use it quite often especially travelling)
-Fuji 5200 digital camera (plan to upgrade to Sony/Casio)
-HP iPad 4150 (Good, very satisfy with Chinese input)
-BlackBerry 7230(New toy !!)
-IBM X40 notebook (mainly use it at work)
[option: JBC speakers for my MD player]
It would be just wonderful, if I can have an all-in-one integrated handheld device. The problem used to be bringing all these various charger/power adapter to go on a trip. Thank God for USB, nowadays I could charge most of these from my notebook USB port. Still quite a bundle of stuffs to carry.
Think about it. Now I am owning all these gadgets:
-Erisson T610 Mobile Phone (Use it daily, plan to upgrade)
-WeWa MP3 player (gave it to my girlfriend)
-Panasonic MD player (Yes, still use it quite often especially travelling)
-Fuji 5200 digital camera (plan to upgrade to Sony/Casio)
-HP iPad 4150 (Good, very satisfy with Chinese input)
-BlackBerry 7230(New toy !!)
-IBM X40 notebook (mainly use it at work)
[option: JBC speakers for my MD player]
It would be just wonderful, if I can have an all-in-one integrated handheld device. The problem used to be bringing all these various charger/power adapter to go on a trip. Thank God for USB, nowadays I could charge most of these from my notebook USB port. Still quite a bundle of stuffs to carry.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004
10:44 AM - 長毛vs林志玲
紅人長毛 ....

Tuesday, September 21, 2004
5:10 AM - 深宵大戰
利記:曼聯 1:2

5:02 AM - 我要做model
谷德昭加上鄭中基的組合,並未能延續"龍甘威"的成功,實在可惜。其實故事的情節跟"龍"相近,有點像歡樂今宵式的喜劇,將主角們放入一個又一個的situation當中,以不同的處境來引發出不同的gag來搞笑。電影的兩大條橋:Model大比拼和訓練林嘉欣成材,主要是抄襲Ben Stiller的Zoolander和Sandra Bullock的Miss Congeniality (就黎有續集)。不過導演的處理手法實在太鬆散了,欠缺了貫通前後的主線,亦沒有上集的曾志偉或羅家英等老戲骨來串通整齣電影。無聊的劇情,胡鬧的笑料,令觀眾越看越洩氣。似乎玩得最高興的,只有是谷德昭及其班底的小圈子。
谷德昭加上鄭中基的組合,並未能延續"龍甘威"的成功,實在可惜。其實故事的情節跟"龍"相近,有點像歡樂今宵式的喜劇,將主角們放入一個又一個的situation當中,以不同的處境來引發出不同的gag來搞笑。電影的兩大條橋:Model大比拼和訓練林嘉欣成材,主要是抄襲Ben Stiller的Zoolander和Sandra Bullock的Miss Congeniality (就黎有續集)。不過導演的處理手法實在太鬆散了,欠缺了貫通前後的主線,亦沒有上集的曾志偉或羅家英等老戲骨來串通整齣電影。無聊的劇情,胡鬧的笑料,令觀眾越看越洩氣。似乎玩得最高興的,只有是谷德昭及其班底的小圈子。

Monday, September 20, 2004
2:54 PM - JOEY
2:06 PM - Camera talk
I've been considering to change my Digital Camera for awhile. I've bought the Fuji 4200 3 years ago, which was advertized to be the one of first 5M pixels camera at that time. It turned out that the picture quality was only so-so. My theory was that if it only got a tiny lens in front of the camera, how can it take good pictures? Its all physics, right? You got a bigger len, and you should get better picture quality.
Not until I helped my friend purchased a Sony Cybershot couple months ago at Boardway, finding out was I so wrong. Checked out the Cybershot picture quality, and its quite impressive. Another friend has brought the Sony DSC-T1, and picture also looks nice.
Now, the decision has come down to pleasure vs. functionality. DSC-T11 is a beauty, but its quite heavy. However, I also found out Exilim P700 just released (7M resolution !) at Mongkok Laser over the weekend. Given the function and feature, its quite tempting, although, I am favoring the DSC-11 a bit more for now.
Not until I helped my friend purchased a Sony Cybershot couple months ago at Boardway, finding out was I so wrong. Checked out the Cybershot picture quality, and its quite impressive. Another friend has brought the Sony DSC-T1, and picture also looks nice.
Now, the decision has come down to pleasure vs. functionality. DSC-T11 is a beauty, but its quite heavy. However, I also found out Exilim P700 just released (7M resolution !) at Mongkok Laser over the weekend. Given the function and feature, its quite tempting, although, I am favoring the DSC-11 a bit more for now.

Friday, September 17, 2004
3:17 PM - Amazing Race
第五輯的Amazing Race已播至尾聲,有線AXN差不多和美國同步播出,而明珠台就落後四、五集左右。AXN最大好處就係有catchup episode, weekend 會一次過播出數集,連續收看更覺緊張剌激。
下週便是兩小時season final,淘汰剩下四隊繼續爭一百萬美元獎金。我的猜測是:
Collin & Christie
有體能及智慧,長期保持三甲之位,本來係最有機會勝出一隊,但上週被CK隊出牌罰企,被迫延遲,幸好是non-elimination race,得番個第四。但下週比賽時便冇錢可用。最後一隊加上要籌錢比賽,好難追番上黎。
Brandon & Nicole
Bowling Moms
Chip & Kims
第五輯的Amazing Race已播至尾聲,有線AXN差不多和美國同步播出,而明珠台就落後四、五集左右。AXN最大好處就係有catchup episode, weekend 會一次過播出數集,連續收看更覺緊張剌激。
下週便是兩小時season final,淘汰剩下四隊繼續爭一百萬美元獎金。我的猜測是:

Collin & Christie
有體能及智慧,長期保持三甲之位,本來係最有機會勝出一隊,但上週被CK隊出牌罰企,被迫延遲,幸好是non-elimination race,得番個第四。但下週比賽時便冇錢可用。最後一隊加上要籌錢比賽,好難追番上黎。
Brandon & Nicole

Bowling Moms
Chip & Kims
Thursday, September 16, 2004
2:08 PM - 深宵影院
利記vs摩記 2:0


Wednesday, September 15, 2004
1:31 AM - Liverpool's new squad
New Look
Liverpool started to show sign of new life by beating English Premiere League new comer West Brom 3:0 last weekend. New coach Rafael Benitez basically inherited Houllier's old team starting this season. Although Cisse looks promising, he is considered Houllier's farewell gift to Liverpool. Cisse was signed last year, but he has to finished France's football season before he could join the RED.
Not until Benitez injected 2 Spanish player, Alonso and Garcia, has he starting to build up Liverpool's fighting squad according to his own way.
I think Benitez has made good choices, and last game started to show some promises.
Liverpool has a couple world class forward: Owen and Baros, but ends up losing a few close games last year. Main reason: weak midfield. Gerrard has been a shinning star. Kewell is above average, but not as impressive as he's in Leeds. Hamann was a good defensive player but not mobile enough, well he's not in his twenties anymore.
Benitez seemed to understand the missing link and acquired two good midfielders.
Although Owen is gone, Cisse's performance can still hold up the team at the front. Strong, creative, and mobile midfield like Alonso and Garcia, could really help the dangerous strikers like Baros and Cisse.
Good move: Heskey, Diouf (they seemed out-of-sync with the rest of the team)
Next move(?): Biscan, Garragher (trade or sell them to get couple younger and faster defenders, who could really help the midfield or forward)
Last game was not a real test, playing a home game with a newly promoted team. The Champion Leage vs. Monoco would be a good challege to Benitez's new squard. Hopefully, we got ourself another contender.
Liverpool started to show sign of new life by beating English Premiere League new comer West Brom 3:0 last weekend. New coach Rafael Benitez basically inherited Houllier's old team starting this season. Although Cisse looks promising, he is considered Houllier's farewell gift to Liverpool. Cisse was signed last year, but he has to finished France's football season before he could join the RED.
Not until Benitez injected 2 Spanish player, Alonso and Garcia, has he starting to build up Liverpool's fighting squad according to his own way.
I think Benitez has made good choices, and last game started to show some promises.
Liverpool has a couple world class forward: Owen and Baros, but ends up losing a few close games last year. Main reason: weak midfield. Gerrard has been a shinning star. Kewell is above average, but not as impressive as he's in Leeds. Hamann was a good defensive player but not mobile enough, well he's not in his twenties anymore.
Benitez seemed to understand the missing link and acquired two good midfielders.
Although Owen is gone, Cisse's performance can still hold up the team at the front. Strong, creative, and mobile midfield like Alonso and Garcia, could really help the dangerous strikers like Baros and Cisse.
Good move: Heskey, Diouf (they seemed out-of-sync with the rest of the team)
Next move(?): Biscan, Garragher (trade or sell them to get couple younger and faster defenders, who could really help the midfield or forward)
Last game was not a real test, playing a home game with a newly promoted team. The Champion Leage vs. Monoco would be a good challege to Benitez's new squard. Hopefully, we got ourself another contender.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004
9:54 AM - 2004選舉點滴
上午獲悉得選後,下午便馬不停蹄前往政府合署門外抗議選舉安排失當,並呼籲林瑞麟下台。(好正!)不同的是,以前只能在門外叫口號,今天能獲副處長接待。記者訪問長毛,他只能笑笑口說句自已並沒不同,轉變的只是政府的態度。長毛的成功全是個人的努力成果,他是一直在忠於自已信念。本人並非認同長毛的理念,但佩服他的努力。觀察長毛在無線及有線電視論壇拉票的表現,比絕大多數候選人出色。一分鐘是一分鐘、三十秒是三十秒,時間摟拿準確、up to the point, Presentation出色,跟田少對著幹、富娛樂姓,絕無冷場。〈大學教授曹宏威博仕,請靠邊站並虛心學習)長毛不但出位,而且make sense,若我是新界東區選民亦會被他吸引。
機械人蔡素玊in,口齒伶俐妹妹仔何秀蘭out. 不禁說聲Oh no! 其實Oh shit!也可。看見投票結果,不禁大罵民主黨有冇甘蠢,要出Martin告急這一招。選舉遊戲規則已定,配票、分票已成選舉重要策略,指揮及組織能力是輸贏之間的變數。
上午獲悉得選後,下午便馬不停蹄前往政府合署門外抗議選舉安排失當,並呼籲林瑞麟下台。(好正!)不同的是,以前只能在門外叫口號,今天能獲副處長接待。記者訪問長毛,他只能笑笑口說句自已並沒不同,轉變的只是政府的態度。長毛的成功全是個人的努力成果,他是一直在忠於自已信念。本人並非認同長毛的理念,但佩服他的努力。觀察長毛在無線及有線電視論壇拉票的表現,比絕大多數候選人出色。一分鐘是一分鐘、三十秒是三十秒,時間摟拿準確、up to the point, Presentation出色,跟田少對著幹、富娛樂姓,絕無冷場。〈大學教授曹宏威博仕,請靠邊站並虛心學習)長毛不但出位,而且make sense,若我是新界東區選民亦會被他吸引。

機械人蔡素玊in,口齒伶俐妹妹仔何秀蘭out. 不禁說聲Oh no! 其實Oh shit!也可。看見投票結果,不禁大罵民主黨有冇甘蠢,要出Martin告急這一招。選舉遊戲規則已定,配票、分票已成選舉重要策略,指揮及組織能力是輸贏之間的變數。

Saturday, September 11, 2004
2:54 PM - In Rememberance of 9/11
The biggest event happening in the 21st century. A terrible event.
I'll always remember where I was. What I was doing, and the state of the mind. 3 years ago, I was in between job, and taking a break in San Francisco. The morning of 9/11, the news just hit me from no where. Its such a shocker that I don't know what to react, but keep staring at the TV screen.
SARS, 9/11, June-4, ... event like these changed alot of people's life. Some people find comfort in reglion, and some would start to treasure the moment and live a more meaningful life.
I just don't know. Except for the economic impact, some how I am shield off from all these. Not even emotional impact. I can just hate myself for being so insensitive. But, I just can't relate myself to all these kind of "thing".
I would just sit at my sofa to condemn the terrorist for attacking all these innocent people around the world. On the other hand, I can't see myself would sacrify my life for a belief.
My point is I can at best be emotional for a minute, and then life goes on. In fact the importance of "life goes on" take the highest priority. I can't see myself changing.
What's the point? What's next? Who cares?
Ground Zero
I'll always remember where I was. What I was doing, and the state of the mind. 3 years ago, I was in between job, and taking a break in San Francisco. The morning of 9/11, the news just hit me from no where. Its such a shocker that I don't know what to react, but keep staring at the TV screen.
SARS, 9/11, June-4, ... event like these changed alot of people's life. Some people find comfort in reglion, and some would start to treasure the moment and live a more meaningful life.
I just don't know. Except for the economic impact, some how I am shield off from all these. Not even emotional impact. I can just hate myself for being so insensitive. But, I just can't relate myself to all these kind of "thing".
I would just sit at my sofa to condemn the terrorist for attacking all these innocent people around the world. On the other hand, I can't see myself would sacrify my life for a belief.
My point is I can at best be emotional for a minute, and then life goes on. In fact the importance of "life goes on" take the highest priority. I can't see myself changing.
What's the point? What's next? Who cares?

Thursday, September 09, 2004
9:58 PM - Mess
Exhausted. However, my brain is still very much active, and I can't go to sleep right away.
I must have done over hundreds of presenation over the years. Still I am dead nervous every single time. Right before each presentation, I have to study the material over and over again, in order to give the audience the image of being an expert in the field. Over and over, over and over ...
This time, there is no difference. I have couple days to study them. The worst part is I didn't create the presentation myself this time. Somebody put a bunch of slides together and I need to present it. This time I really need to study hard because all the material is new to me. All I can do is jamming as much as I could right before doing the presentation.
Turns out: it sucks!
Well, I don't feel too bad now. I was feeling really bad couple hours before I sit down and write my blog. Too bad, I studied quite hard at it too. Frankly,I envy at those people who could do presentation at ease. Party all night, still can do a good job the day after. Even crack a few jokes at the audience. Style is something I can't achieve. I have to discipline myself to sit down, and review the material again and again before I feel comfortable talking about it.
Damn! I can't nail it down this time.
With so much new information from the presenation, still very much vivid in my mind, how can I turn it off and go to sleep?
Exhausted. However, my brain is still very much active, and I can't go to sleep right away.
I must have done over hundreds of presenation over the years. Still I am dead nervous every single time. Right before each presentation, I have to study the material over and over again, in order to give the audience the image of being an expert in the field. Over and over, over and over ...
This time, there is no difference. I have couple days to study them. The worst part is I didn't create the presentation myself this time. Somebody put a bunch of slides together and I need to present it. This time I really need to study hard because all the material is new to me. All I can do is jamming as much as I could right before doing the presentation.
Turns out: it sucks!
Well, I don't feel too bad now. I was feeling really bad couple hours before I sit down and write my blog. Too bad, I studied quite hard at it too. Frankly,I envy at those people who could do presentation at ease. Party all night, still can do a good job the day after. Even crack a few jokes at the audience. Style is something I can't achieve. I have to discipline myself to sit down, and review the material again and again before I feel comfortable talking about it.
Damn! I can't nail it down this time.
With so much new information from the presenation, still very much vivid in my mind, how can I turn it off and go to sleep?
9:33 PM - PS2 Spiderman2
一句講晒,好好玩。如果睇完套戲覺得仲未夠喉,這隻game一定可以滿足到你。遊戲有點類似grand theft auto,不過GTA是用汽車來穿梳鬧市,而這次你便是spiderman,使用蜘蛛索在摩天大廈間飛翔,感覺極棒!
遊戲主線是跟據電影劇情推進,而副線是作為Peter Parker/蜘蛛俠,每天都會有不同的工作任務,或在鬧市中鋤強扶弱。整個game在紐約曼克頓市發生,3D的遊戲世界傍大,內有大廈、商店、途人和各式其式的罪案在發生,等待spiderman解決。男、女主角、八爪魚博仕均由電影原班人馬配音、令玩家增加親切感。每個任務完成,都可獲報酬。使用金錢可購買新的招式及加強功力。可惜對本人反應遲頓,花招雖多,尚未能一一學會。無論如何,能在紐約市中擒高爬低,飛簷走壁、我已經感到十分過癮。
一句講晒,好好玩。如果睇完套戲覺得仲未夠喉,這隻game一定可以滿足到你。遊戲有點類似grand theft auto,不過GTA是用汽車來穿梳鬧市,而這次你便是spiderman,使用蜘蛛索在摩天大廈間飛翔,感覺極棒!
遊戲主線是跟據電影劇情推進,而副線是作為Peter Parker/蜘蛛俠,每天都會有不同的工作任務,或在鬧市中鋤強扶弱。整個game在紐約曼克頓市發生,3D的遊戲世界傍大,內有大廈、商店、途人和各式其式的罪案在發生,等待spiderman解決。男、女主角、八爪魚博仕均由電影原班人馬配音、令玩家增加親切感。每個任務完成,都可獲報酬。使用金錢可購買新的招式及加強功力。可惜對本人反應遲頓,花招雖多,尚未能一一學會。無論如何,能在紐約市中擒高爬低,飛簷走壁、我已經感到十分過癮。

Wednesday, September 08, 2004
2:25 PM - U.S. death toll in Iraq passes 1,000
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
3:31 PM - Hellboy
同場加影 Hellboy
奸角方面,我比較喜鐵面人,雙手裝上尖刀,殺氣凌厲。Hellboy雖是異類,而且外貌粗獷,但卻有人類細膩的感情和煩惱。但女主角造型普通,愛情線太過簡單,未能引起共鳴。今個夏天有Spiderman2 珠玉在前,以漫畫改篇的電影來說,Hellboy算是合格。
奸角方面,我比較喜鐵面人,雙手裝上尖刀,殺氣凌厲。Hellboy雖是異類,而且外貌粗獷,但卻有人類細膩的感情和煩惱。但女主角造型普通,愛情線太過簡單,未能引起共鳴。今個夏天有Spiderman2 珠玉在前,以漫畫改篇的電影來說,Hellboy算是合格。

Friday, September 03, 2004
6:14 PM - 對著幹!
鄒秉恬 vs. 陳偉業
鄒秉恬被指隱瞞「港進聯身分」 區選勝出 對手求推翻
鄒秉恬被指隱瞞「港進聯身分」 區選勝出 對手求推翻

Thursday, September 02, 2004
9:28 AM - 釣漁郎

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