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Another day has gone by (Archived articles)

[Please visit] http://anotherdayhasgone.blogspot.com 

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

1:22 PM - 天涯、明月、刀

The Magic Blade

在楚原的電影中,才有機會見識狄龍的大俠風彩,電影版仍然是古龍+楚原+邵氏的出品。天涯明月刀的小說,雖然故事比較straight forward,但越看越好看,改篇成電影跟原著出入不大。主角博紅雪,在"邊城浪子"層經出現過,本身是一個很repressed的人物,從小到大被灌輸復仇的思想,背負著沉重的包袱成長。本身亦有缺憾,是破子兼患羊癇病,卻練成江湖中最炔的刀。感覺上古龍云云男主角中,博紅雪最有性格。到天涯明月刀中,他已是第一男主角,整過故事是他的adventure,也是不同的challenges。包括他的武功、生理、還有心理。最後是戰勝逆境,但仍能保持自我,不受名利的吸引。



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Monday, October 25, 2004

9:35 AM - 曼聯大戰阿仙奴

Ruud van Nistelrooy



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Sunday, October 24, 2004

8:16 PM - Never say never

Boston Red Sox

I was on my way to airport last week when Boston Red Sox was still in game 4 of the ALCS, which they already lost 3 games in the best of seven series. Eventually, they won it in extra ending making the series 3-1 verus NY Yankee. While no team has ever come back from a 3-0 deficit, Boston's fan still kept their faith. In my mind, I predicted the Yankee and St. Louis will go to the pay-off this week.

I didn't have a chance to follow the game after I came back from SF. Its a shame cable tv carry ESPN no more, which is the only channel in HK would show the baseball playoff series. To my surprise, I just heard the news about Boston winning game one of the world series. Wow, this is pretty incredible. I guess they did play the game one step at a time and finally won the NY series coming back 4 games to 3.

Although I don't follow baseball now, this is still very incredible. Congratulation to Red Sox and it'll be an interesting World series. Too bad I don't have ESPN or should I reconsider joining NOW.com?

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5:44 PM - PK_

Belated happy B-day to you. Hope you have a nice one!

Haha I noticed the blog similarity ... one of these days ... I'll update the blog appearance ... another procrastination :-)


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Saturday, October 23, 2004

3:04 PM - Accident

I was shock at the scene. Argyle street was blocked over an hour. Anyway, I am glad nobody got really hurt, especially when the 15M light pole fell down.

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1:25 PM - Procrastination


Last night, I have the strangest dream. Somehow, I was in a singing contest and I did not prepare for any song to sing. So, I consulted with my teacher and the pianist and they've recommended a song that I don't know. Then, I find some lyrics on a paper, which is Anita Mui's song and I thought I should be able to sing this one. So, I stop what they're playing and try to sing this song. Unfortunately, the lyric is not complete so I still can't finish the whole song. At this point, the pianist, who is also the judge(!), told me I got zero points. "Zero?!" as I screamed. "Yes, zero".

Then, I woke up worrying get 0 points in the contest.

I kinda suspect its out of pressure, which I need to prepare for couple of presentations for clients next week. Because of the holiday, I don't really want to work, but then I know I have no choice. I have these type of examination dreams once a while, most often is I forgot all the answers during a test. And, just try to scramble whatever I could thing of and scribble on the shinny white test paper. What a relief to wake up finally and realized that its just a dream and I am out of school for good.

This time, no more procrastination and back to work.

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Thursday, October 21, 2004

8:57 PM - The Da Vinci Code

除了很久之前的John Grisham小說外,能令我捱更底夜,就係呢本Da Vinci code.由巴黎的羅浮宮命案,發展到天主教皇庭的大陰謀,加上神祕宗教組織,耶穌身世之謎,作者想像力天馬行空之餘,一切又合情合理,亦有歷史根據,一個又一個的謎語和答案,簡直令人難以把書本放下。

比小小spoiler大家,其中書內提及Da Vinci的名畫The last supper,座在耶鯀旁邊的並不是聖徒若翰(John)而係耶穌的"老婆"(that`s right!),Mary Madgelen,睇落又真係幾似女人... :)

The last supper

JesusMan or Woman?

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10:16 AM - 漫畫店與健身院




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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

2:22 PM - Pick'n up

Its one trip after another, I don't feel like having the energy to write my blog for awhile. Anyway, now I am back to HK. This is like my third day in this new office, even though I've moved couple weeks ago. Really, I don't like my cubical. I used to have a window sit. Now, I am next to a printer :(

People will pass by my cubical so often, and they'll stick their head to see what I've on my desk, so now I have the pressure to keep my stuff all neat'n tidy. Now I've to clean up the pile of work accumulated during the past week.

Anyway, its good to be back.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

1:29 PM - 中環



工作的地方一直都是在港島區,最早在銅鑼灣,之後是灣仔、側魚涌。三年前曾在中區的business center一段時間,後來又轉到灣仔,兜兜轉轉,想不到今天又隨著公司搬回中環。



Central, I am back.

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Saturday, October 09, 2004

2:01 PM - Impluse buying (2)

Motorola E398

My friend showed me his E398. I falled in love with its external speakers and MP3 player asap. Checked with Organe the next day and traded up my old phone. Got it.

Now, there is one draw back with E398.

Maybe nobody has ever mentioned.

E398 used a new kind of memory card: TransFlash or T-flash. The phone only came with 16M T-flash. There is only 2 places in HK you can buy 128M T-flash card:
1. PCCW (Only sell with phone together)
2. Motolora shop (out of stock)

Oh my gosh ... I got this nice MP3+speaker phone but can load about 3 songs :(

Impluse buying gave me the rush. Now ... there's also consequenses. >SIGN<

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1:42 PM - Delerium

Best of Delerium

I like impluse buying.

Its hard to find something to buy these day because of thinking too much:

I look at it. Then, I think about it. Checking the product on the web.

Think about it couple more days. Where to find the best price?

What's other user's comment? Well, maybe a new model is coming up.

Should I wait another 2 months or so?

End up with empty hands.

Anyway, I heard this song in the airport store. Sounds like enigma's album at first but it carried a differnt tune. I don't know anything about this band but they gave me a Gothic tone with rock. I knew its quite expensive buying at the airport store, but what the heck. If I wait till going back to HMW, I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna buy anything. So, I end up listening to this album while moving over this weekend. Its not bad. Recommended. :0

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Wednesday, October 06, 2004

6:38 AM - 流星、蝴蝶、劍

Movie Review: Killer Clans








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Tuesday, October 05, 2004

10:58 PM - Football talk

本來想re TungPo兄的blog,越寫越多,不如post埋出來...




同樣利記亦令我失望。不止欠缺了隊型,攻擊能力永奇弱,點解又會出番戴奧?百思不得其解。沙比艾朗素罰球三次在同一位置都"斬"出界外,有冇可能呀?今天賓尼狄斯表示要回收奧雲,我也希望成功,但最快要在明年夏季,in the mean time,唔該你執番好D隊波。

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Monday, October 04, 2004

9:55 AM - 在晴朗的一天出發



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9:50 AM -

903 new crew Posted by Hello

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Sunday, October 03, 2004

4:34 PM - The curious incident of the dog in the night-time



Curious Incident以一宗狗的謀殺案作開始,由一位類似rainman的15歲主角敘述整個故事。主人翁就讀特殊教育學校,天賦對數字演算,解決邏輯問題等天份,但對解決日常的生活,待人接物等卻是弄得一團糟。感覺上有點像catcher in the rye的特殊版。內容有很多小故事說明主角的思路,譬如The Monty Hall problem,福爾麼斯故事內的線索,或人腦的結構等,富邏輯性,亦很有趣味。故事由特殊小孩的觀點出發,角度新鮮,也帶出他身邊的父母、老師等和他相處所產生的問題和苦惱。這是英國作家Mark Haddon第一本小說,這本書的成功,應該在日後看到他更多的作品。

Mostly fiction's review

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Saturday, October 02, 2004

11:07 AM - 長途影院


哈里波特3(Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

從來未試過坐定定由頭到尾看完第一和二集,因為自已不是Harry Porter叢書FANS,所以亦沒有買票觀看的衝動。第三集聽說是由位新晉導演所拍,風格跟前兩集果然不一樣。好看的地方便把整個故事變得很DARK,滲入了人性的衝突,怨恨和復仇等,氣氛也營造得很好,可說是跌出小孩子電影的層面。影片開始時Harry已表現出罕見的憤怒,脫去小孩子的型象而步入青少年人的反叛。雖然有熟悉的學校場境,但Harry還是遭追狙者的不斷襲擊,而且氣氛陰深恐佈。最後還有時光倒流,其實是成人世界常見的self help,作為成年觀眾,我看得很有味道,反而小孩子只可能當作驚悚片來觀看。

史力加2(Shrek 2)

喜劇不容易拍,每個gag的timing要掌握得很好。史力加的笑料可說是層出不窮,還有Eddy Murphy繼續為隻多口驢仔配音,為全片生色不少。續集玩盡不少童話故事人物,故事流暢亦有喻意,全片計算準確,絕對是老幼咸宜之作。

無痛失戀(Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)

PK_兄早陣子亦介紹過這齣戲,據說是跟Adaptation同一編劇,不過還未有機會欣賞。在"無痛"內,有這麼一個診所,可以offer抹掉記憶的服務。Jimmy Carrey 因為失戀決定把愛人的記憶洗掉,但在進行當中才後悔這決定,結果在動彈不得之下,在腦袋之內帶著謹有的記憶與醫生玩捉迷藏,企圖阻止記憶被清洗。Eterntal Sunshine,大前題是抹掉不開心的記憶,我們會活得更好。就如神答允每一個禱告,是否人便會變得快樂了嗎?這套戲可說是喻意無窮,也是今年的最大驚喜,估計不到這麼吸引!故事原創性很高,愛情片可以拍到這樣好玩,實在值得推薦!

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